The Influences social media and Pop Culture can have on Substance Use

If an individual is prone to substance use, many aspects of their environment play a significant role. From the friendships we build to our personal experiences, everything has the potential to influence our actions. Though substance use disorder is often linked to trauma, there are other factors that may exacerbate temptation. One thing within our control that can promote the use of drugs and alcohol is popular culture. When a person is struggling with addiction, it is essential to be selective of what is viewed within this realm. Doing this can massively decrease the chance of relapse. For instance, if a person has recently quit smoking cigarettes, they may be triggered by a movie where the protagonist is a smoker. This is the same when someone is battling addiction. If a person encounters substance use online, in music, or on television, especially if it is portrayed in a positive light, they are far more likely to be thinking about the substance they are trying to kick, taking their mind away from their recovery goals. 

Today, Calm Rehab is going to discuss precisely how social media and pop culture can promote substance use. We will highlight the impact it can have on someone battling addiction and suggest ways we can reduce the effects it can have on a person’s recovery journey. Addiction recovery is one of the most challenging things that a person can go through, so it is essential to do what we can to assist them along the way. 

Normalisation – Though it may not be as frequent in media as it was in the past, social media influencers and celebrities still often glamourise the use of substances. Witnessing these high-profile individuals portray partying with drugs and alcohol can surround the concept of substance use with normalcy. Though the glamorisation and normalisation of substances are more likely to have a harmful effect on younger people, everyone is susceptible. Being selective about what is viewed and listened to during the recovery process has the potential to enhance its success. 

Social Pressure – Social media platforms can cause individuals to feel like they are missing out. If an individual’s online social network partakes in the consumption of drugs and alcohol, it can create immense temptation for someone trying to stay clean. Additionally, it isn’t uncommon to come across influencers and celebrities posting photos and videos of substance use, creating another level of social influence. 

Misinformation – Online and in pop culture, it is likely to find portrayals of substance use that underestimate the adverse side effects it can have on people. Songs, movies, TV shows, and social media posts often make substance use seem fun without addressing the risks involved. This portrayal is a form of misinformation and can lead individuals to feel as if there is nothing wrong with drinking alcohol and taking drugs, encouraging them to try things they may not otherwise. In addition, it can also cause triggers in someone going through the recovery process. 

Mental Health – Social media is renowned for being detrimental to people’s mental health. Many posts portray unrealistic expectations and life goals. If a person who has been struggling with substance use disorder scrolls through these posts, it may cause them to look at themselves in a negative light, leading them to give up on their recovery goals. When a person is constantly reminded that they aren’t in the best head space, it can negatively impact their mental health and hold them back in many aspects of their life. 

What Can We Do to Reduce the Impact of Social Media and Pop Culture for Someone Struggling with Addiction

Unfortunately, social media and pop culture aren’t going anywhere, so it is essential to find a way of reducing its impact. There are several steps we can take when trying to do this, but it is crucial to understand boundaries at the same time. If someone you know is struggling with substance use disorder, the last thing they need is somebody to try and control them. Going in too tough can actually have the opposite effect and encourage them to use drugs and alcohol again. The best thing we can do is take it slowly, communicate, and come up with a solution together. Empowerment is an essential part of recovery, and it must never be taken away. Here are some steps you can discuss to help reduce exposure to online triggers. 

Limit Screen Time – There is more to successfully limiting screen time than simply taking away devices. Ridding a person of their device will likely feel you are stripping them of the freedom essential for a successful recovery. However, there are positive ways it can be achieved. Have a discussion and figure out the best hours of the day to set screen time limits and come up with a mutual solution. Additionally, work together to come up with ideas for healthy activities that can be done instead. Not only will this reduce a person’s exposure to social media, but it will help them develop hobbies and healthy habits to enhance their entire well-being. When someone becomes familiar with taking time away from devices, it may be possible to move to the next step of a complete digital detox. However, it is still crucial to ensure this plan is ok with them before implementing it. 

Curate Feed on Social Media Platforms – Take the time to go through social media pages that may cause triggers and ensure they are unfollowed and blocked. Most social media platforms will allow users to mute things they don’t want to see, so this can be a great start to ensuring protection from triggers while staying connected. Additionally, there are endless social media pages that focus on wellness and addiction recovery, so follow as many of these as possible to ensure social media feeds are always positive. 

Source Supportive Communities – There are plenty of supportive online networks specifically designed for a person recovering from drugs and alcohol. Connecting with these people can promote a positive mindset and help people focus on their recovery goals. It is essential for someone battling addiction to have a safe space where they can express their feelings and find support from people who know exactly what they are going through. Discussing the progress made during a sobriety journey massively helps reinforce their achievements and keeps them on track towards their next recovery milestone. 

What to Do if an Individual Encounters a Trigger on Social Media 

Even when we do everything we can to reduce the likelihood of exposure to triggers, it is crucial to remember that we can never eradicate the risk altogether. This is why we must always be prepared for when it happens. In the early stages of recovery, it is essential to create a crisis plan. This can be achieved by preparing coping strategies, such as grounding exercises and deep breathing. Additionally, there are recovery apps that can be utilised by the individual. If they encounter triggering content online, they can head straight to the app for advice on how to deal with the situation. If you are unsure of what coping strategies will work, it is always worth consulting a professional. A therapist will be able to figure out what will work for the individual and ensure you have a solid plan moving forward. 

Do You Need Professional Support with Addiction Recovery? 

If you or anyone you know is struggling with substance use disorder, it is essential to take those first steps and reach out for the help you need. With the guidance of professionals, paving the path to recovery becomes much more achievable. At Calm Rehab, we are committed to ensuring everyone’s recovery journey is tailored to their specific needs, giving them the best possible chance to reach their sobriety goals. Contact us today for guidance and support. 

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