Calm Rehab Bali is a western owned and operated private drug and alcohol rehab centre located on the beautiful Indonesian island of Bali, providing a clinical and affordable residential treatment program to individuals from all over the world who are struggling with alcohol and drug-related problems as well as psychological trauma.
Choosing a rehab in Bali, we understand is a big decision for you or your loved one. Whether you know Bali well or have never been here before, you will undoubtedly have many questions. Here we aim to give you all the information you will need to make a decision that is right for you.
We also understand that everyone is different and rehab is not a “one size fits all”. With that in mind, our personalised recovery program uses a range of clinically proven techniques to ensure that our clients leave our rehab with all the tools required for long term success.
Who We Are
CALM is a member of Addiction Professionals Registration.
Calm Rehab are one of the only private rehabilitation service providers in Asia who are registered with Addiction Professionals Registration (formerly FDAP). What this means is that we work within their ethical framework at all times, ensuring the highest quality of treatment is provided.
FDAP are a support network for those who work in the addictions treatment sector, providing their members with quality assurance and high quality CPD. FDAP are dedicated to supporting good practice in the treatment of addiction, while Calm Rehab are committed to providing our clients with the highest international standards of rehabilitation and mental health support.

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what we do
Treating Trauma and Addiction in Bali
We are a highly effective drug and alcohol addiction centre that also supports individuals who have experienced trauma, offering a treatment program which is multi-faceted in its approach. We incorporate a variety of well-proven therapies as well as a range of leisure activities and healthy downtime helping our clients to rest, recover and make lasting life changes.
While we are very serious about treating addiction and trauma, we also believe that the rehab experience should be balanced and enjoyable, creating lasting memories. Our drug and alcohol recovery program embraces the best activities that rehab in Bali can offer with a variety of excursions provided; from day trips to stunning beaches, river rafting, jungle walks and spa treatments through to temple visits and mountain climbs – we go above and beyond to ensure there is something for everyone. In addition to providing a highly effective drug and alcohol rehab program we are also proud to announce the launch of a pioneering program specialising in the treatment of gambling disorder. This is one of the only evidence-based residential treatment programs in the world incorporating specialist gambling support.
Going to rehab in Bali can be a cost-effective option which provides a healthy change of environment, allowing clients to fully focus on their recovery from drugs and alcohol in a private, safe and luxurious environment away from temptation and distraction. Bali is well known for its therapeutic and spiritual benefits, making it a superb destination for overseas rehab treatment.
how we do it
Professional Bali Rehab Team
Calm Rehab offer non-12 step based treatment to individuals from all over the world suffering with addiction and problematic substance usage. Our professional rehab team includes experienced, qualified staff from Australia, the UK, Singapore and Indonesia who share a passion for helping others to overcome their drug and alcohol problems and reconnect with themselves.
Problems with substance abuse are frequently partnered with underlying mental health illness, for this reason, we work alongside Bali’s most esteemed medical professionals, ensuring the safest possible medicated drug and alcohol withdrawal while providing unparalleled support to our clients around the clock.
Calm Rehab is also able to offer a full range of dedicated services for the treatment of psychological trauma as well as mental health problems including depression and anxiety.

Results That Will Last
a Lifetime
At Calm Rehab Bali, we understand that there remains a certain stigma surrounding drug and alcohol abuse. While this is slowly changing, many people feel the need to hide their habit by either underplaying its severity or denying it exists at all. If you want to retake the reigns without fear of judgement or penalisation, we’re here for you.
We understand that can affect just about anybody for a whole host of reasons. Sometimes, people abuse drugs and alcohol to relieve the symptoms of anxiety and depression. For others, drug abuse is the primary cause of mental health conditions.
Join our inpatient program, and we’ll do more than just help you give up your addiction; we’ll help you overcome the underlying causes that push you to drug abuse in the first place. Drug and alcohol rehab is about improving our lives by learning how to make lasting changes, not just eliminating drug misuse in order to improve physical health.
Both your mental and physical health are our top priorities at Calm Rehab here in Bali. After undergoing treatment, which includes intensive individual counselling sessions, group therapy, mindfulness practice, psychotherapy and exercise, you’ll leave here feeling like a new person, ready to take on new challenges, meet new people and say goodbye to harmful habits for good.
Taking Relapse Prevention Seriously

One of the most challenging aspects of giving up an addiction is avoiding relapse. For many people, just one drink or hit after abstaining for months is enough to start the vicious cycle of addiction all over again. For that reason, we focus just as much on preventing relapse as detoxing your mind and body from chemicals you simply don’t need to lead a happy, healthy and productive life. That’s why our team of medical professionals includes therapists, clinical psychologists, counsellors, recovery coaches, and educators.
All our treatment programs are tailored to the individual. We take the time to understand our clients, their problems, their goals and the cause of their addiction. Then, when you’re free from the grapple of addiction, you can focus on living life to the fullest with a minimised risk of relapse.
If you want to find out about our facilities, therapy options, the island of Bali or anything else about our rehab, we encourage you to get in touch. We’re happy to talk over the phone with you anonymously if doing so helps you feel at ease. And, we look forward to welcoming you to our centre, where you’ll be treated with the honour and respect you deserve.
If you want to break the cycle and make lasting lifestyle changes free from drugs and alcohol, then we look forward to meeting you at Calm Rehab, Bali
I have been asked many times about the origins of Calm and also what makes Calm different to other rehabs in Bali. Let me try to explain; The concept of Calm was developed a long time before we started operations. Having been successfully treated for alcohol and drug addiction overseas myself, I gradually came to the realization that I wanted to dedicate my life to helping others to recover from alcoholism and drug use or addiction.
One of the first questions we are asked by any potential client is “Do I really need to come to Rehab?”
Firstly, this is very difficult to answer with a straight yes or no as every person is unique. “Why is it some people can have a few drinks with friends, whereas once I start, I drink until I black out”. This is very confusing for a lot of people and many don’t realise what is happening to them, often loved ones see it first.
Calm Rehab’s Clinical Team understands that different clients respond to different approaches, we, therefore, use an integrative approach in helping our clients to recover from drug and alcohol addiction and abuse. But what does that really mean?

The overall Calm experience is so memorable – the connections made, the quality of the programme, the integrity of the staff. Plus of course Beam the dog! Mostly because when you enter Calm you can be rest assured that you will be treated as a person, not as a number.
Sarah New Zealand
I had a wonderful experience at Calm Rehab Bali. I was totally broken when I arrived,. The safe and comforting environment helped me assess my life and where it was going. Four weeks later and many groups and counselling sessions I can honestly say I feel refreshed, excited, confident and with a new zest for life. Thanks to the amazing staff who helped me through my bad days it wouldn’t have worked if it wasn’t for you all. I feel very thankful and blessed to have been able to have this opportunity it’s made a huge difference in my life. Life is good now and no word of a lie it’s the best thing I ever did. Thanks guys xx
Within days I had a very strong sense that Calm was exactly where I needed to be. The team, the wonderful facility and their nurturing approach felt tailor made for me, and even seemed to develop and evolve in lock-step with my journey through their process and activities. I hope that I will never have a rehab experience to compare Calm to, and I expect that the work we did together will mean that the chances of ever having to are now hugely reduced. Thank you.
Olly New Zealand