Arrivals & Admission

Arrivals and Admission

As mentioned in the Planning page, we will be ready & waiting at the airport here in Bali, with a VIP service provided to get you through the airport as quickly as possible. Our VIP assistant will introduce you to a Calm staff member & one of our drivers will be waiting with a private car to transport you to our riverside facility.


Upon arrival at Calm Rehab, a member of our clinical team will go through some paperwork with you which will include behavioural agreements and an assessment, followed by a search of possessions. Any valuables, technology items and medication will then be safely stored in our office.


After this process, you will meet with one of our doctors who checks all incoming residents physical condition. This includes checking vital signs, a blood test and discussing your medical history. At this stage, a medical detox plan will be initiated if required.


We will then show you to your private bedroom suite, provide a tour of the facility and help you to settle in.