Coping with Grief and Loss in Addiction Recovery: How to Process Emotions and Move Forward

The emotions associated with grief and loss can be powerful things. They can drive one to addiction or they can compound the struggles that people have with rehabilitation. Dealing with loss during addiction recovery is an important part of coming out the other side in a healthy emotional state.

Grieving and loss are difficult things for anyone to navigate. There are no hard and fast rules as to how to handle this emotional journey and it is something that must be navigated with a great deal of understanding and patience. How we deal with grief and loss differs from person to person, so it is important to understand how these emotions manifest in your personal situation.

Understanding loss

Though most thoughts go automatically to the death of a loved one when it comes to loss, these emotions can actually be triggered by any number of life events. Divorce, bankruptcy or the loss of a pet can sometimes trigger the same kind of emotional mindset that one would experience if a loved one were to pass.

The first step in dealing with loss during addiction recovery is to understand that it can be associated with many things and can manifest feelings of sadness, grief, depression and guilt that can hinder your path to rehabilitation. These kinds of complicated emotions can act as triggers for those who are experiencing addiction so processing and dealing with these feelings is a vital step in your journey to recovery.

The stages of grief

Grieving is a process that is different for everyone. Though many common factors come with the stages of grief, each part can manifest differently from person to person. Some stages may last longer than others and might be more difficult for certain people to handle. Though there are no strict rules for how grief will affect you, the most common stages are:
The initial reaction of denial is not uncommon when dealing with loss. It is a way for your mind to go a little numb in the face of a life-changing event which allows you the time that you need to process the emotions that are created by the loss in the initial stages.
It is not surprising that many people go through a stage of anger when it comes to loss. The anger that many will experience can evolve in different ways but essentially this is something that helps you to express your feelings in relation to the loss you have endured.
Societal norms teach us from a very young age that if we do something good, then there is always a reward. The bargaining stage of grief is a reflection of this that presents itself in the face of things that we cannot control.
Once the initial loss has been processed and you have worked your way through the shock of the event you have experienced, sadness can begin to take hold. The sinking feeling that your loss is permanent and the knowledge that this is something that cannot be changed can rock a person to their very core.\
The final stage of grief is all about dealing with your emotions throughout the previous stages in a healthy and lasting way. Dealing with loss during addiction recovery can be a difficult thing but making your way through the stages in an open and accepting way is the most positive way to ensure that these emotions will not get in the way of a healthy and lasting rehabilitation.

The challenges of dealing with loss while recovering from addiction

Recovering from an addiction is a long and arduous process in itself. The addition of emotional instability from dealing with loss can make this a particularly difficult process for many people. There are challenges in dealing with both simultaneously, but it is not impossible.

The emotions caused by loss can feel overwhelming at times, but it is important for your mental health and overall well-being that these emotions are not pushed away in the name of your recovery from addiction. Instead, you should be focusing on moving through the stages of grief at your own pace in addition to discovering the root of your addiction and making the necessary lifestyle changes to maintain a healthier way of living in the long term.

It is important to check your progress regularly to ensure that your emotional pain is not becoming a trigger that encourages setbacks in your recovery plan. Having the assistance of professionals during this time is something that can greatly assist in the process, providing you with the guidance you need to separate your emotions and deal with each issue simultaneously.

The power of stepping away

For many people recovering from addiction is much more difficult when you remain in your usual surroundings. The same can be said for those dealing with loss. Having people missing from what you know as everyday life can exacerbate the pain you feel from the loss so there is something to be said for getting away to deal with your troubles.

While we don’t advocate running from your issues, the act of stepping away for a minute to collect yourself can have immense emotional value and allow you to reset and reconnect with what is important to you. Being removed from your everyday life allows for an outside perspective which can be beneficial in deciding who you want to be on the other side of your recovery.

Choosing the services of an expert facility will provide you with the support you need to recover from your loss and addiction. Calm Rehab provides a safe and luxurious drug rehab in Bali where you can take all the time you need to get yourself to a better mental state and return to your life feeling more positive and empowered.

Reach out to us today

If you or someone you know is struggling with addiction and could benefit from the help of an esteemed team of professionals in a safe environment, don’t hesitate to reach out to us to discuss how Calm Rehab can help. Everyone needs a helping hand every now and then, let the team at Calm Rehab provide the expert service you need to move on to a better life.

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