29 May Addiction Treatment in the Middle of the COVID-19 Pandemic
With so many people staying in their homes due to the COVID-19 pandemic, individuals who are recovering from addiction may find themselves in a difficult situation. Social distancing and self-isolation can present unique challenges for those who suffer from substance abuse and mental health disorders. We all know that in addiction circles, a strong community is vital to achieving a steadfast recovery and it’s one reason why rehabilitation centres provide aftercare groups for their alumni. It is often highly recommended to engage with a leading rehab center like Calm Rehab in Bali for further information and advice.
While tough times may lie ahead, addiction treatment is still possible and recovering individuals are highly encouraged to continue their journey to reduce the risk of relapse and avoid drug or alcohol consumption. If you find yourself struggling to keep up with your recovery, don’t lose hope. Here are a few reasons why you should keep pursuing your addiction treatment in the middle of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Addiction treatment is risky in emergency rooms
It can be a very dangerous decision to forgo addiction treatment during this time because addiction treatment is very risky in emergency rooms. When a recovering addict suffers from an overdose or crisis, they can potentially be sent to the nearest emergency department where the risk of COVID-19 infection is high. With public healthcare systems being severely overwhelmed, emergency and ICU beds are hard to come by which presents another problem for patients with substance abuse disorders.
But if you undergo residential treatment, the chances of you contracting the virus are significantly less compared to staying in a hospital. You get access to complete medical care and undergo detoxification without fear of being exposed to infected individuals. Having personalised care is crucial in times like this and will definitely benefit recovering addicts greatly as they move forward with their recovery.
Social distancing can trigger relapse
With stringent quarantine measures in place, socially interacting with other people is limited at best. For people who are recovering from addiction, socialisation an important element in battling relapse. Being under quarantine can foster feelings of self-isolation and cloud the judgment of recovering individuals. It’s a scary place to be alone by yourself while battling a mental health or substance abuse disorder, which is why most addiction specialists recommend undergoing residential treatment so that patients can stay in a safe place where they can open up to other people and interact with them.
Furthermore, a recovering addict might be forced to detox if their drug or alcohol supply runs low, which can potentially turn into a life-threatening situation if not managed by a healthcare professional. On the positive side, some people may take advantage of this scarcity and quit under their own willpower. Either way, being isolated isn’t an ideal situation for most recovering addicts and it’s highly recommended to continue pursuing treatment whether it be in a residential or outpatient program.
Addiction increases the risk of contracting COVID-19
COVID-19 attacks a person’s respiratory system and people who smoke tobacco and drugs like meth and cocaine are at a higher risk of contracting the disease. Chronic use of opioids and/or alcohol can compromise a person’s immune system and make them more susceptible to all types of infections. Not only that but people with substance abuse disorders are more likely to develop severe symptoms if they do get infected.
Continuous exposure to drugs will have a major impact on both your health and recovery. It’s for these reasons that medical professionals and addiction specialists recommend a residential treatment that follows Infection Prevention and Control (IPAC) practices to protect an already vulnerable group.
Residential treatment is much safer than staying at home
There’s more to a residential treatment facility than just treating addiction. Here, people can develop life-long skills and self-care practices to better manage their stress levels and enjoy a brighter future that’s both drug and alcohol-free. Patients can lean on an entire community for support and the medical care you can receive is much better than being admitted in a hospital. It’s a safe haven for people who suffer from serious substance abuse, especially in the middle of a global pandemic like we’re experiencing now.
Of course, each patient has different needs and not everyone is suitable for residential treatment. Other treatment programs like outpatient treatment and virtual addiction treatment are viable alternatives that recovering individuals can explore. By undergoing a treatment program that fits your needs, you’re better able to manage your recovery and press forward even in challenging times like these.
Choosing the right treatment program for you
There is not a one-size-fits-all treatment for addiction and patients need specialised care in order for the treatment to be successful. In some cases, addiction treatment isn’t just limited to one type of treatment program to give patients some diversity and strengthen their chances of successfully recovering. If you’re unsure about which treatment program works best for you, we highly suggest contacting an addiction specialist to help you make an informed decision.
While the coronavirus threat still exists, that doesn’t mean recovering addicts should just abandon their treatment altogether. In fact, now is the time more than ever to move forward with your addiction treatment to receive the help and support you actually need. Reach out to a rehabilitation centre today to continue on with your recovery.
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