03 Mar Nutrition for recovering alcoholics – Healing the body with good food
Maintaining healthy eating habits might not seem important for those struggling with addiction, but scientists are finding that eating the right foods might be the key to repairing the damage to the body caused by alcoholism, and improving physical and emotional health. Here at Calm, our rehab in Bali, we prioritise good nutrition and in giving our guests the building blocks they need to make healthy choices to heal their bodies and have a healthy, sober future.
Why is nutrition so important for recovering alcoholics?
For the brain and body to function normally they need food to fuel them. Food is broken down throughout the day to provide energy. A variety of foods are needed to thrive. Proper diet and nutrition are often neglected during active addiction for alcoholics. Continued neglect will take its toll and interfere with the body’s ability to function and overall well-being. Vitamins and minerals from any food that is eaten are often not properly absorbed.
Persistent alcohol abuse and lack of good food can quickly lead to malnutrition. The body’s ability to break down and absorb nutrients can be disrupted due to damage to the stomach lining from alcohol abuse. Digestion of fats, proteins, carbohydrates and hormones can grind to a halt if the pancreas is damaged from alcohol and the body is oversaturated with a variety of toxins. We need the right food or our minds and bodies will suffer.
How does good nutrition help heal the body?
Good nutrition helps ward off illness and disease and keeps your body and brain balanced, instead of falling prey to stress, a common factor in relapse. A balanced diet can therefore heal you from the inside out. At our Bali rehab we make sure our guests are eating healthy, delicious, balanced meals to restore the body and mind. When you put the right foods in you will quickly see the benefits with increased energy, improved mood and memory, and a stronger immune system. So you can see food is vital for the body to rebuild and maintain good health.
Eating your way to good health and sobriety
Research shows that a diet with the right types of protein (fish, poultry, lean meats etc.) and carbohydrate rich foods can make a big difference. A diet high in fruits, vegetables and whole grains, and low in saturated fats will help to heal the damage caused by an excess of alcohol. By eating starchy foods high in carbohydrates such as legumes, root vegetables, bread and pasta in combination with protein, levels of serotonin (a hormone that helps with relaxation) in the brain will be balanced and keep you at your best.
It is crucial for people in early recovery to establish a foundation of good eating. Meals might need to be introduced slowly at first for those that are not used to digesting much food anymore. Small and frequent meals are recommended. Of course, amongst the many benefits of attending a rehab in Bali, is the abundance of fresh, tropical fruits, vegetables and seafood available here on the island to help our guests eat their way back to good health, spark an interest in food again and heal.
It is equally important that food should not replace alcohol or drugs as a coping mechanism. Sugar and coffee are to be limited as they are low in nutrients and can prevent you from consuming enough healthy and nutritious food, as well as affect your mood and cravings.
Our team at Calm Rehab understands the importance of nutritional therapy and providing well-planned, balanced meals for our guests seeking alcohol rehab in Bali or drug rehab in Bali. You can become fitter and happier by consuming good foods and fluids as part of a well rounded recovery effort.
This blog is part of a series of content written by Calm Rehab, a specialist drug and alcohol treatment center located in Bali. Calm Rehab offers a range of professional and effective services to help individuals reclaim their lives and build a brighter future. If you, or a loved one, are struggling with drugs or alcohol, please contact Calm for advice.
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