23 Sep How to Ask for Help While Recovering from Addiction
Asking for help can be a difficult endeavour while on the road to recovery. While most of us want to believe that we can completely manage on our own, it sometimes becomes the reason why we end up suffering from a relapse. The truth of the matter is that very few people have successfully gotten clean without the aid of friends, loved ones, and family members.
For the recovering addict, asking for help is not as easy as it seems. They often find themselves sitting on one of two sides – either asking for help too much or not asking for enough help. As they battle with their emotions, they end up being confused and their recovery starts to stall. It’s understandable to find one’s self under these circumstances when recovering from addiction, but it’s important to not let it hold you back when asking for the help that you need.
Here is how you can ask for help while recovering from addiction.
Be willing to open up to your loved ones
Asking for help is not a sign of weakness. In fact, it takes plenty of courage to open up to people you love. You may feel hesitant to do so at first because you’re afraid of looking vulnerable, but the people closest to you see it in a different light. They view it as a sign that you are determined to end your addiction and start a new chapter in your life. When you have a strong support system surrounding you, they will be more than willing to give you a helping hand when you need it the most.
Asking for help throughout your recovery process is what accelerates the healing. Without it, you’ll end up spinning your wheels in an attempt to remain clean for the rest of your life. This help can come from professionals, close friends, and trusted family members who are determined to help you overcome your addiction.
Remind yourself that asking for help does not make you a burden
It’s understandable that you feel like a burden to your friends and family members, but the truth is you’re not. The people who are closest to you know the struggles you’ve been through and the last thing they want is to give up when you’re almost at the end of your recovery. It doesn’t mean you’re entirely dependent on them. It means you understand that their support and guidance can lead you into a sober lifestyle that’s free of addiction.
Your progress is what motivates your loved ones to keep going and every time you ask for help, they believe you are one step closer to reaching your goal. The road to recovery is full of setbacks and during this vulnerable stage of your life, it’s important to surround yourself with people you can rely on. Asking for help does not make you a burden. In fact, it makes you even stronger because you’ve acknowledged you need help.
Be honest
Let’s face it. It would be nearly impossible for an addict to completely recover if they were to take the journey all by themselves. If you’re saying that you can do it alone, you’re most likely being dishonest with yourself. Being completely honest with you and those around you is crucial to ending your addiction because you’re coming face-to-face with reality. As the saying goes, no man is an island and this rings true when you’re recovering from addiction. The act of asking for help requires both honesty and humility in your part.
It may not be easy, but it is necessary in order to move forward with your healing. We all know that being honest isn’t always easy when asking for help. If it was, almost anyone undergoing recovery wouldn’t have trouble with it. But freeing yourself from deceit and untruthfulness will help you take massive leaps on your recovery. It frees the shackles that have tied you from addiction and from there, you can continue to move forward and make lasting life changes.
Don’t feel embarrassed
When you ask for help, you feel like you’re in a vulnerable position. You may even feel embarrassed to reach out to your friends and family members. However, it’s important to understand that feeling embarrassed is what hinders you from getting the help that you need. If you’re feeling nervous about asking for help from your loved ones, don’t be. They are fully concerned about you and they want to know how your recovery is going.
Your friends and family members are always worried about your addiction. They want you to be well and they are also affected by how you’re feeling. When you reach out to them, they will do everything in their power to help you overcome your destructive habits.
Ask help from people who have your best interests at heart
When you are ready to ask for help, it’s crucial to ask the right people. For most addicts, this can be a trusted family member or a close friend who’s undergone successful drug rehabilitation. You want to ask help from people that have been with you right from the start. Those who have shown their commitment to helping you succeed are the ones you should trust because they have your best interests at heart.
Take action by choosing the right people who you believe can offer you sound advice. People who are willing to support you and encourage you to undergo drug rehabilitation. The most important thing about asking for help in recovery is that it is never too late. No matter what happened in your life, there is still hope to turn it around.
There’s a saying that goes “No one said it would be easy, they just said it would be worth it.” and it applies to addiction recovery very well. Recovery is difficult and there are times where you’re going to need more than just willpower to push through the roadblocks. This can only be possible by asking for help when you need it the most. Calm Rehab provides drug rehab in Bali, should you need additional advice get in touch today via the website.
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